
☢️ Order Radlands now at ☢️

Created by Gavan Brown of Roxley Games

The game you will take with you through the apocalypse. Radlands is available for purchase on the Roxley website:

Latest Updates from Our Project:

2021-12-16 - Final Pledges Shipping This Week! Hazmats Available on
about 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 03:32:42 AM

TL;DR: Canadian stock has begun shipping and is expected to finish this week. All initial pledges and Preorders paid before September should have shipped by now; our partners are now finishing later Preorders. Hazmats are now available on 

We're So Close To Done!

In Canada (our final shipping zone), Hubtrotter has confirmed the arrival of all the stock necessary for all first wave pledges, and has begun shipping them already. Couriers are already picking orders up, and they are projecting that the entire wave of pledges will be shipped THIS WEEK.

Within all other zones, first wave fulfillment is complete and our fulfillment partners are into fulfilling later Preorders (e.g. if you are an American backer who filled out a late survey after September, your pledge is in the current batch being shipped now).

Radlands is now available for your friends to buy at! And if you already ordered the Deluxe and are now wishing you had gotten the version with the Hazmats included, we have great news for you: these are now available as a bundle in the Accessories section at

Team Roxley had a blast returning to PAX Unplugged this year, where we spent the whole weekend at a VERY busy booth showing off Radlands, Marvel Dice Throne, and the rest of our games to the eager attendees.

Here's Anthony from Tabletop Misfits, interviewing Manny Trembley on the convention floor:

Plus a closer look at the booth, before and after the crowd arrived:

The booth before the storm...
Demoing like mad people!

Our next scheduled update would have been scheduled for December 30th, however our team will be off for the holidays then, so for now, we wish an early Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it and a fantastic holiday season to all of you.

And may you have a RAD new year!

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow Roxley on BGG, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter, and sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our page! 

2021-12-02 Canadian Stock En Route! All Remaining US Pledges Now Shipping!
about 3 years ago – Fri, Dec 03, 2021 at 05:27:03 PM

TL;DR: The final container arrived! All remaining US pledges to be shipped by early next week. Canadian stock is en route; we want Christmas deliveries for everyone. See you at PAX Unplugged!

The End Is Near!

Of fulfillment, that is, not the apocalypse (as far as we know). FunAgain received the delayed container and, despite very heavy shipping demands from all of their current clients, have been heroically sending hundreds of Radlands pledges out from it every day. 

Within the US, we are anticipating that every remaining pledge will be shipped this week or next week (you will receive a tracking number). This includes all late pledge/Preorders placed prior to us closing the PM in September. (All Preorders placed after that date will then immediately begin shipping as part of regular order fulfillment.)

Within Canada, stock is scheduled to arrive at Hubtrotter on December 8th. Hubtrotter is prepared for its arrival, and will be able to begin shipping pledges almost immediately. While we unfortunately still cannot 100% guarantee any dates (customs, weather, and Christmas postal/courier delays are all still potential factors), Hubtrotter was able to ship all of the pledges from our previous campaign in less than a week, so we're crossing our fingers that this means you're all going to have Radlands in your hands before Christmas!

Wait... Where's My Rulebook?

We've had a handful of backers message us to report that their rulebook is missing... only to discover it, after the fact, hidden in the back of the box. In the words of BGG user Gunter D'HOOGH: "It's at the long black "back side" and it's very easy to overlook them as they seem to be part of that back side."

(You can also find the Radlands rules online HERE.)


Designer Daniel Piechnick has been maintaining a page of Frequently Asked Questions and commonly misunderstood rules at Boardgamegeek. So if you're confused about anything, there's a great chance you'll find your answers already waiting for you. (And we'd love it if you'd give Radlands your honest rating while you're there, after you've played a few games!)


Roxley will be at PAX Unplugged this year! Come join us at the Radlands demo tables, where we'll have Radlands, Brass, Iron Clays, Steampunk Rally Fusion, and Gorilla Marketing alongside our Dice Throne partners, who'll be demoing both regular and Kickstarter versions of their game!


We've had some people message who ordered the Deluxe Edition, and regretted not getting the playmats. Can they still get these? The answer will soon be yes! The 2-playmat bundle will be available on in mid-December. (Deluxe and Super Deluxe editions will also appear on the website at that time.)

If you have an urgent last minute update to your address, please EMAIL us, INCLUDING the complete new address, at [email protected] and we will follow up for you manually (if you DM us via Kickstarter, please include your full name and email address as well for efficiency).

Our next regularly scheduled update will be in two weeks, on Thursday, December 16th, 2021.

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow Roxley on BGG, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter, and sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our page!

2021-11-18 US Fulfillment Continues Despite Delays, Some Notes About Tracking
about 3 years ago – Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 05:36:53 PM

TL;DR: 73% of US backers are shipped or are shipping soon; the rest (and Canadian backers) are still awaiting a stuck container. A few backers are reporting issues with tracking numbers (details below).

The Shipping Situation

As of our last update, one of the three containers of stock had arrived at FunAgain; the other two were at US ports, navigating their way through the congestion there to be shipped overland to the warehouse.

Since then, one of these two containers has arrived... but the other one has not moved from port since arrival. We've been told that it was off-loaded but the terminal unloaded it in a closed area (essentially meaning that other containers are in the way, so trucking contractors physically can't get to it). Port authorities (and basically everyone involved) are doing their best to move everything forward, but with many US and Canadian ports in chaos due to massive flooding and literally dozens of container ships lined up offshore waiting to unload, it is difficult to predict when our specific container will be retrieved.

We are checking in very frequently with our freight forwarder and will continue to update you with any and all news.

How This Affects Backers

Our estimate is that FunAgain is able to fulfill 73% of US-based pledges with the two containers they have received. They have already shipped the majority of these, and should have the rest shipped within a few business days.

The remainder can be processed as soon as the last container arrives, and Canadian backers can be fulfilled approximately one week later. 

Some Notes About Tracking Numbers

Tracking numbers have been sent to all backers whose orders can be sent. The normal procedure is to generate these for the entire wave, then for FunAgain to pack and ship the pledges as quickly as UPS can pick them up. UPS however has only been able to pick up a percentage of these every day. This means a couple of things:

- Some backers have received a tracking number that hasn't updated for a week or longer, because their pledge is in the warehouse, but UPS hasn't been able to pick it up yet. (We're looking into ways to improve reporting, so this happens less.)

- The good news for those backers is that if you have received a tracking number, this means you WON'T have to wait for the final container; your pledge will begin moving very soon.

- HOWEVER: UPS's tracking system may also be overloaded, because a handful of backers have reported to us that their game arrived on their doorstep, despite their tracking number either not showing movement, or no tracking number arriving in the first place. (So keep an eye on your doorstep anyway, if there's no good news in your inbox; you might still be one of the lucky ones.)

*NOTE*: While Roxley will attempt to help with related inquiries if we can, once a tracking number has been generated, it is the most accurate information we have. Our customer service staff does not have access to any additional backend information at UPS/FedEx/USPS/etc.

We thank you all for your patience, as our logistical partners work to overcome these delays caused by the ongoing port congestion and the disastrous northwestern flooding.

It is still possible to order Radlands through our Preorder store. Orders placed in North America now will be fulfilled in the second wave of fulfillment, after initial backers have all had their pledges shipped.

The Radlands Preorder store can be found HERE.

As of this update, you can NO LONGER make changes via your original survey link, as BackerKit has been locked down in all zones.

If you have an urgent last minute update to your address, please EMAIL us, INCLUDING the complete new address, at [email protected] and we will follow up for you manually (if you DM us via Kickstarter, please include your full name and email address as well for efficiency).

Our next regularly scheduled update will be in two weeks, on Thursday, December 2nd, 2021.

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow Roxley on BGG, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter, and sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our page!

2021-11-04 US Stock Has Finally Arrived!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Nov 05, 2021 at 05:09:43 AM

TL;DR: US stock for 75% of backers has FINALLY arrived begins shipping Monday. Remaining stock is awaiting port availability - dates are difficult to predict, but remaining US backers should be fulfilled this month. Canadian pledges may be pushed to early December.

Fulfillment of the first wave in all zones outside of North America should be complete at this point. Please email [email protected] if you have not received tracking for your pledge yet (although please be aware that responses may be slow, due to the overwhelming traffic generated by the highly successful Marvel Dice Throne Kickstarter.)

Sufficient stock for approximately 75% of US backers has arrived at the FunAgain warehouse and is being organized for shipping, to begin Monday. The remaining two shipments are at port, awaiting their chance to move forward; we have messages in requesting more information but do not yet have any solid answers, so it is difficult to predict their arrival dates.

When they do clear port, further transportation should be fairly fast and painless, so we *may* still be able to hit our target of US backers shipped by halfway through November, although it seems likely that some will be later in the month. Canadian stock will require an additional week after the second shipment's arrival to begin fulfillment, so depending on developments at the port, this may push fulfillment into early December.

We are monitoring the situation, and will continue our regular updates until every pledge has been shipped.

It is still possible to Preorder Radlands. Orders placed now will be fulfilled in the second wave of fulfillment, after initial backers have all had their pledges shipped.

The Radlands Preorder store can be found HERE.

As of this update, you can NO LONGER make changes via your original survey link, as BackerKit has been locked down in all zones.

If you have an urgent last minute update to your address, please EMAIL us, INCLUDING the complete new address, at [email protected] and we will follow up for you manually (if you DM us via Kickstarter, please include your full name and email address as well for efficiency).

Our next regularly scheduled update will be in two weeks, on Thursday November 18th, 2021.

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow Roxley on BGG, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter, and sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our page!

2021-10-21 Join Us On Facebook! And Announcing: MARVEL DICE THRONE!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 22, 2021 at 02:21:30 AM

 TL;DR: Pledges outside of North America are almost all shipped. We are still overcoming obstacles within the USA, but still expecting North American fulfillment to finish by mid-November. Join us in the Radlands Community on Facebook. We are overjoyed to share the announcement of MARVEL DICE THRONE!

Over 90% of pledges have been shipped in all zones outside of North America. 

* UPDATE: ABOUT KICKSTARTER MESSAGING * - The glitch where outgoing messages were being prevented looks like it may have been fixed, but we have not yet had time to test its reliability. For best results, if you need to contact us, please continue to use [email protected]. (If you need to use Kickstarter DMs, please include your full name and the email address we can answer you at).

* A REMINDER ABOUT BACKERKIT * - We continue to get questions about this, so please note that BackerKit is not digitally connected to your local warehouse / fulfillment partner. All pledges for Radlands should show in BackerKit as fulfilled, but that simply means they have been exported to local warehouses, who will send you tracking when your order is ready to ship.

Local statuses as follows:

Australia / New Zealand:

- All pledges should be shipped now. If you haven't heard anything, please double check your spam/bulk folders for a tracking number (and keep an eye on your doorstep).

 China (and other countries served by VFI): 

- The operations freeze at VFI has ended and shipping has resumed! Not all shipping hubs have yet had a chance to receive their stock.

- There are hub shipping dates and contact details at for Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. We don't have a way to track these shipments until they arrive at these local hubs, but after they arrive there you should hear from them with your tracking number.

Europe / UK:

- Over 90% of pledges in both EU and non-EU zones have been shipped now, and the rest are expected to be done within the next few days. If you haven't heard anything by early next week, please double check your spam/bulk folders for a tracking number (and keep an eye on your doorstep).

- We have heard feedback from some backers that in countries served by PostNord, they were able to find missing tracking information/more detailed information by installing the PostNord app and checking there.

USA / Canada:

- After successfully navigating the water shipping bottleneck... our first container of Radlands then ran into a land-based delay, when the truck booked to deliver it to FunAgain backed out on us (sigh). New arrangements have been made and that container is still expected to arrive at FunAgain prior to Halloween. 

- Fulfillment within the USA will begin as soon as this container arrives, and is still expected to be completely shipped within the first half of November.

- Backers will be sent a tracking number, as normal, so you will know when your pledge ships.

- Canadian pledges are NOT expected to be further delayed by this. We still expect all Canadian pledges and tracking numbers to be sent in the first half of November.

Now that people are starting to receive and play their games, we can't wait to hear all about it - your play reports, fan pictures, crazy rules combinations you've found out, and your most epic moments of gameplay. 

So this is your official invitation: come join us now, as the founding members of the new Radlands Community on Facebook!

You. Read. That. Right.

Team Roxley is INSANELY proud and happy to be sharing this announcement and video teaser:

MARVEL DICE THRONE… The tabletop team-up no one knew they needed, and you now can’t live without! Launching right here on Kickstarter, on Monday, October 25th!
Sign up to be notified HERE:

It is still possible to Preorder Radlands. Orders placed now will be fulfilled in the second wave of fulfillment, after initial backers have all had their pledges shipped.

The Radlands Preorder store can be found HERE.

As of this update, you can NO LONGER make changes via your original survey link, as BackerKit has been locked down in all zones.

If you have an urgent last minute update to your address, please EMAIL us, INCLUDING the complete new address, at [email protected] and we will follow up for you manually (if you DM us via Kickstarter, please include your full name and email address as well for efficiency).

Our next regularly scheduled update will be in two weeks, on Thursday October 21st, 2021.

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow Roxley on BGG, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter, and sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of our page!